Sunday, August 16, 2009

why did i start a blog if i write only once every 3 months?

Much has happened in the past three months. I came home from Europe on June 18. I decided to buy a plane ticket home when I had a near nervous breakdown in Rome after a streak of bad luck. My camera broke, my suitcase broke, and I became homeless after the person I was staying with said I couldn't stay there anymore because relatives were coming to town. That problem was temporarily solved when he said I could stay with a friend of his, who, as it turned out, decided that I was untrustworthy to be in his house and made me sleep in the car half the night. After brushing my teeth in a public fountain, I started crying and tried to call my friend in Sicily for comfort (from my Italian phone) but it did not work. I have no idea why, because the automated voice explaining why it didn't work was speaking in Italian. Then, despite knowing it wouldn't work again (especially since I was dialing to America) I called my mom. Obviously, it didn't work. Not that I expected it would. I cried a lot and the next day I slept at a different friend's house. He was so nice and so polite and just what I needed after the nightmare that was the night before. The next day, I found a hostel to stay in. A few days later I left Rome, but not so easily. I (being the idiot that I am) went to the wrong airport. then I had one hour to get to the other airport (which was 45 minutes away) to check in, go through security and board the plane. And the taxi was 70 euros. But Sweden was absolutely perfect and made me forget how horrible Rome was. Then I went to the Czech Republic where I got lost several times and also a subway fine but enjoyed my time there anyway. But still, being the brainwashed American that I am, I was still thinking somewhere in the back of my mind that I would get kidnapped and tortured or sold into sex slavery or something ridiculous like that. Scary movies about scary Europeans will do that to you.

Anyway, the flight home was the best! I flew with Aer Lingus and my seat was so comfy and plus we had on demand which passed the time by significantly. Plus, I knew I was going home, which I was very excited about. Oh, and not to mention I didn't have a 14 hour layover, like I did on the way to Italy back in March.

Then I was home. And I wasted a lot of time going on vacations to Ocean City NJ and to 1000 Islands and not working at all and being a total bum. But in three weeks I'll be back living in Philly, paying rent, working 6 days a week at 5:30 in the morning and possibly another job as well, so I guess the vacations were somewhat of a deserved, in advance break from all that.

But as for this moment, now, I am on facebook and listening to music and sweating because it's about a hundred degrees in my bedroom. So predictable, right? I'm referring to the facebook part. I know, it's bad. But seriously, I was just reading a new message in my inbox, from a friend from forever ago, and I don't mean a REAL friend, I mean someone you kindof knew in community college type of friend, and they are asking to hang out. Actually I'll be honest, I'm pretty sure it was some weird variation of a booty call, but I'm not very good at identifying those types of things. But this is what bugs me. People, let's be honest. And I'm not just talking about this guy now, I mean everyone. (Okay not everyone, just a lot of people.) Come on. Face it, we're not friends, and we never really were. So you think I'm actually going to agree to come over, especially when we never really had that kind of relationship in the first place? No. I'm not being mean, I'm all for reconnecting with old friends, real friends, people you actually like. But we all know that seeing certain people from your past is not always pleasant. In fact, a lot of people avoid it. Or when they see someone from high school or something, the ignore them, pretend not to see them. Because who really wants to talk to that annoying girl that sat behind you in english? And it's always boring too. It's always one of the three things: 1) Oh hiiii! Where do you go to school again? 2) What's your major? 3) How's that going for ya? mmmmK See yaaaa!!

Oh God. It's just the worst. I mean the worst next to totally uncalled for kindof booty calls in facebook message form.

Sorry for the bitterness. Actually I'm not. I just needed to get this honesty out, and I'm sure many people would agree with me on this topic.

Anyway, as for now, I'm going to go to bed because tomorrow morning I'm getting up early to go to Dorney park with Sandy! I know, more laziness. I'm such a bum! But at least my bum status has an expiration date.

mmmk see yaa!

ps- listen to Kimya Dawson, she's great.

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