Thursday, July 1, 2010

it has to end to begin

Last night I got fired from my job. I don't know which feeling dominates most- anger or happiness. Taylor, the manager, is so young (23) and so immature and she lets her emotions get the best of her. Last night was a very busy night. Sunday nights are always crazy because we are always understaffed. We only had one busser and we should have two, and the one that we have is completely useless. Literally, he's bordering complete incompetence and possible retardation. We also should have had one more server. We also should have had more people in the kitchen, another manager, and a food runner. But since Marathon is completely falling apart, we had none of these things. So I was (along with all the other servers) bussing my own tables, resetting them, getting dishes and glasses from downstairs, polishing silverware, and making my own desserts. All in addition to the usual serving the tables. We should have a line cook to make desserts! I don't have time to be making desserts for tables when I should be talking to them and refilling drinks and taking orders. So I did my job, along with about 4 other jobs at the same time, which is unfair and stressful in itself. Then at the end of the night, Taylor tried to get me to close. Absolutely not! I was on a double every single day this weekend, and I was there since 9 that morning. Emmery was supposed to close because she was the only one not on a double, and even if she didn't close then next it should have been Matt because he left brunch early and when he came back for dinner he was late. Taylor didn't seem happy about that, but she didn't seem pissed either. Then I did all my sidework, including the sidework from the list. Taylor mad a list of things for us to finish and sign off on for what we each did. Adrienne and I both dusted globes, brought in patio furniture, and cleaned off the booth seats. Taylor was mad that I did the same things as Adrienne, and asked me if I put toilet paper in the bathrooms. I said no, I already did my side work, and toilet paper was a busser job anyway. Then I walked away. Then Taylor was fuming. She ran after me and told me not to bother coming in for my shifts this week, and to just leave for my trip. I didn't say anything and kept walking. The next day, today, I called work to see if maybe she calmed down and I could come into work. (I had no idea I was fired at this point. She didn't tell me I was, and I thought she maybe just wrote me up.) So I called and Jen answered and asked what was going on with Taylor and I. I briefly explained and Jen said that she saw a termination notice with my name on it in the office. Jen threw it away because she thought that maybe she wouldn't feel like writing another one! Gotta love Jen. Anyway, When was Taylor even planning on letting me know I was fired?? And I shouldn't even be fired! It's completely unfair! I did all my work, and additional work during dinner. Then for side work I did all my work. I don't think it's fair that she ask me to do additional side work because other people pissed her off all night. She took it all out on me. Plus, Emmery left without doing anything from the list so why didn't she get in trouble? She didn't do anything but got away with it, but I didn't do additional side work and got fired. How is that fair? How is that professional? Just because I stood up for myself against her should not be reason for her to immediately fire me. Plus, I have a spotless work record there. I have never been late and have never once called out. I always worked hard and never got written up. Then, because of one small moment, Taylor, in the heat of the moment and in the midst of her bad mood, fired me without a second thought. Bitch.

So, now I'm fired, and I don't really know what's going on. Apparently Jen later passed on the message to the new GM of one day (her first day was yesterday, brand new) that I wanted to speak with her, so she could hear the real story. Supposedly she'll be contacting me tomorrow maybe. But now I'm thinking, do I really want that job back? It made me miserable, and I'm leaving to Nicaragua for a month anyway. When I come back I only have one month left on my lease. Do I really want to waste more time trapped in a restaurant, going nowhere? Everyday I see losers there- 30 year old waiters and waitresses who are doing nothing with their lives. I don't want to get sucked in there forever. What does Philly have to offer me anyway? There are no jobs here, it's dirty, smelly, and expensive. Maybe I could travel America and volunteer and couchsurf, make my way to California, and get a job relating to scuba. It would be hard, and it would be lonely at times, but it's like that here too sometimes. Honestly, I'm miserable in Philly. I need to move on. Money might be tight at first but I would find a way. People always do. I got a fortune cookie once that I always loved- "It is necessary, therefore it is possible." Maybe this is necessary. Maybe this was meant to be. Maybe it was perfect timing. To get fired right before my trip? and with only two months left on my lease? What are the odds? Maybe I can use this to my advantage. Maybe I will.

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