Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today was a typical day at the restaurant...ridiculous craziness. It was better than yesterday in terms of business--today we were busy but at least we were more prepared, unlike yesterday which was a disaster because we were swamped and completely understaffed. But before the rush, I was putting the specials in the menus minding my own business, when I realized, I have the specials! And that means...Matt must be here! He's probably been here for all of 2 minutes and I was wasting my time all by myself not even in view of him! I rushed back over to the counter, mainly just to gawk at him before he left. Like I said, it was a typical day.
The rest of the day was great, minus the fact that I got into an argument with one of the servers. I won't say names for this one. And by argument, I mean a REAL argument, not just a fake insult or petty bickering and then 5 minutes later things are back to normal. This was a real one and I was significantly upset, and by that I mean I went to the bathroom and cried. (I know, I'm so juvenile and overly emotional.) But it really upset me on a personal level because in the middle of that argument I had a realization of how similar this guy is to my dad. They both scream at you, talk down to you, talk over you, interrupt you, and are losers who do nothing with their lives! Every sentence, mid-sentence, he would interrupt me only to scream at me some pointless argument that makes no sense, probably just to feel like he has control because he's louder and listens the least.
Why do certain people feel the need to scream their way through life? Are they really that insecure that they feel they need to scream and condescend people in order to be heard? Or is it that they're angry to their very core that they just can't shake it, and when provoked it all emerges and spurts out like steam or lava?
I am soo in the wrong business. And while I'm on the subject of that, in my last post I talked (or I think I did) about getting certified for scuba diving, and since then I have made the call and I start January 27! (I think. Maybe the wednesday after that.) But I am so beyond excited, whether this is just for hobby purposes or if it rises to a career level, I don't care, I'm just happy to be doing something to better myself and to learn something new.

1 comment:

  1. sorry about the "fight" - sucks to be yelled at. don't waste your energy on this person; if there ever is a next time, walk away with your head held high.
    as for scuba, it's always, always good to start something new! Learning never ends.
