Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Birthday Eve

I haven't updated my blog in over a week, and so in light of the new year, I'm going to not quit doing this blog and keep it up by posting somewhat regularly. I'm trying very hard not to be a quitter, which is something I've always struggled with. Just today I was contemplating quitting my job. It was a nightmare today. It was so hectic on the counter, which was very unfortunate because it just so happens that today the computer system wasn't properly working, so I was writing down everyone's names, phone numbers, addresses, and credit card informations by hand, which was very inconvenient and took up a lot of extra time when I could have been working on other people's orders. So in my moments of stress and aggravation, I was thinking to myself, "I hate this place! I'm moving to South America!!" South America, why, I don't know. I have no idea, other than I just want to go there. And I have no real reason to go there, other than just because. And that's that. (But then again my philosophy for doing something is that you don't have to have any "real" reason for anything, other than the fact that you just want to do something. Wanting something is all you need.)
Speaking of South America, and other Latin American things, I signed up to take a Spanish class. I don't start for a little while (I still have yet to be placed in a class) but I am pretty excited to be starting something new in the new decade. I wanted so badly to continue with Italian, but I decided not to. Maybe that's because I'm a quitter, like I mentioned above, or maybe it's because I know all of zero people that speak Italian in Philadelphia. On the other hand, I know lots and lots of Spanish speaking people here. Besides, Spanish class is cheaper than Italian, and it is slightly (okay, a LOT) more practical considering there are so many more Spanish speaking countries in the world than there are Italian, and the fact that about half of the employees at my job speak Spanish.
Another breakthrough in 2010 so far is that I found out van driver's name! MATT! Ha... Not that that is going anywhere at all, but just for fun and also for the sake of some sort of budding friendship, if it could even be considered that much.
Tomorrow is my 21st birthday, and I am abnormally unexcited. Most people go crazy for their 21st birthdays, but I just don't see the reason for it. I have nothing against drinking, but I've never relied on it to have a good time. The last time I drank was this past weekend, and the time before that was July 4th. This past weekend was a reminder of how mediocre drinking really is. I went to a party at a friend of mine's, and it was a good time, but in the morning, when I woke up on her couch, I looked around and saw just how pathetic drinking can really make people. Across from me were to chairs, one of which were a guy and girl who had made out the night before, which I have no doubt that they regretted once they woke up, or at least felt awkward about, and the other was the guy who had been trying to get with that girl the whole night, and who ironically was forced to sleep opposite them only to wake up and see his failure and embarrassment staring him right in the face. And there I was, the only one awake at 8:30am because I was so uncomfortable from apparently sleeping slouched over the arm of the couch, on the corner of the couch in about a 1 square foot area (because I was on the ocuh with 2 other friends of mine). I put on the first pair of shoes that I saw and walked home. (My shoes gave me blisters the night before.) So to me, turning 21 is not a huge ordeal. Yes, I'll go and have drinks, but partying is not particularly my number 1 choice of entertainment.
As for work, Gary told me that I could finally start serving, BUT, and here's the catch, only as soon as I found someone to cover all my shifts on counter. Meaning I would have to find someone to have come and apply for the job, get it, then be trained, and then decide to stick with it and be a good enough employee to take my place. (I swear, my natural talents at counter have screwed me over so bad.) Well, I felt up to the challenge. And my search ended quicker than I thought it would because my genius friend Natalie suggested that she take Ian's night shifts, and he take my day shifts, and then I can be a server! So I told Gary and that was last week. And of course, nothing's happened. He said he had to speak to Ian and Natalie about it all, but I know that isn't going to happen for a long time. And I need to start serving soon, because I could really use the money. Not for bills, I have that, but for my yet to be announced summer excursions of course!! But all this waiting is totally not my thing, I'm getting really impatient!

PS- Tip your take out counter person, whoever they are! They deserve it!

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