Monday, December 28, 2009

Van guy

Today was my first day back at work after a 4 day break. (I didn't have work last thursday or friday because of the holidays, which were great by the way.) It's good to back in philly and back at work though, for the most part anyway. I got to see my favorites: Jen, Nate, Henry, Galdino, the van driver delivery guy....pretty much everyone. I can't remember if I've already mentioned the van driver, but he's really growing on me. He comes to our location once or twice a day to deliver the food and specials for the day, and sometimes some other random stuff. And lately I find myself looking forward to the moment he walks in with his cart full of stuff. The only bad thing about him coming to deliver the stuff is that he only stays for 5 minutes and then he has to go to the other locations we have in philly. I don't even know his name, and we've only spoken a few times, but each day we say a couple more words to each other. Today I wasn't so lucky though. Kevin decided to take about a half an hour messing up and then messing up again while counting the deposits for the bank, so by the time I went, I walked out the door, and there he was! He just pulled up in the van and I had to leave. I was so mad. Stupid Kevin...I could have stayed and been with him (for all of 5 minutes, maybe 10) but still, I was annoyed. So I just asked how he was and he asked where I was going. It was a very unexciting conversation. Maybe it's just all in my head, but I think he's taken a liking to me too. When he drops off the specials, he used to just leave them on the counter, my counter, without saying anything to me. He didn't have to, I knew what they were and he had no reason to talk to me. But NOW, after days of saying "hi," and then "hey, how are you" and slightly more eye contact each time, and slowly more sentences, each day something more, now after all that, he walks up to me, even if I'm in the middle of doing something, and says, "here are the specials." And then stands there almost like a lost little kid. How sweet! Okay, I know I'm taking this way overboard, but I think that means something. He now hands me the specials because maybe, just maybe, he wants a reason to talk to me and see me, even if it's just for a few seconds. He never used to do that with the specials, but now he does. I think this is a breakthrough! Wow I am pathetic! The things that amuse me while on counter!

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