Wednesday, December 16, 2009

9 Days Til Christmas

Shoes that fit in the store and then miraculously don't fit once you wear them for a whole day should just not exist. I got an adorable pair of shoes for seven dollars and wore them today for the first time to work and my feet were aching the whole day. Luckily, we weren't too busy so there wasn't much running around going on. But then chef asked me to go to the Chestnut location to pick up rigatoni for him. So without even registering what was just asked of me (or maybe I did and just didn't want to take one more step in those shoes) I stood there and looked blankly at Gary and chef until Gary said, "Well what are you waiting for? Chef asked you to do something!" (I know he sounds mean, but he means well!) So I stepped to it. I walked the ten minute walk to Chestnut, which may actually be only a five minute walk, but truthfully it feels like an hour in twenty degree weather. Each step felt like dull knives were cutting around the edges of my feet and it felt good to walk through Chestnut's doors into warmth and the halfway mark of my journey. I waited in line and while doing so I was observing the counter girl at this location. I'm going to be completely honest (it's not like she'll ever read this). She...was horrible. She was grumpy, didn't smile, didn't make eye contact with her cusomers, didn;t even attempt making conversation with them, sat in the corner when not busy. And let me just say that this actually made me feel a slight boost of self esteem. I'm a good counter girl! Yeah, I'm JUST a counter girl, but at least I'm good at it and I'm well liked and I enjoy what I do, unlike this hopelessly cranky girl. Not to say that I don't have bad days, but at least if I do then I am still nice to the customers. Then the manager came towards me with the bag of rigatoni and I came out of my self absorption, took the bag, and left. The first gust of wind was biting but with my recent mood boost I pushed on. Minutes later I walked into the kitchen with the bag only to find out that in the bag the manager gave me was not rigatoni. I should have checked. Not that it matters, I don't know what rigatoni looks like. My mission was for nothing. But I didn't care because chef didn't make me go back again, thankfully. Well... that was my experience today on counter. Riveting, I know!

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