Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lazy Sunday

I have off work today and I had off yesterday and I've been doing almost nothing except taking care of Bella (my cat) because she just got declawed and spayed. Today I did a little Christmas shopping and yesterday I got my hair cut, but that's the extent of my weekend. I was going to go to NYC but that's an entirely separate story. Anyway, thursday and friday at work were typical. Well, friday I was 45 minutes late because picking Bella up from the vet took longer than I expected, but luckily Gary was managing that day and could not have cared less. When I called to let him know, Gary answered and I said, "Gary, it's Ellen. I'm gonna be a little late." And he said, "That's fine I gotta go!" Crazy morning I guess. When I got there he just smiled and didn't even have an ounce of madness in him. Gotta love Gary. Lately on counter it has been soo slow! I'm assuming that because of the holidays everyone is broke and therefore no one wants to pay for take out food. Hopefully things pick up after they're over though.
Friday after work I sat at the bar for a while talking to Jen and Sheena, not wanting to go out into the cold. Then Jen got off and sat with me. Then Sheena got off and we all went shopping for jeans. Jen and Sheena are by far two of my favorite people at Marathon Grill. They are two REAL people. They are completely honest and never ever fake, and give themselves fully to each other. I envy what they have so much. And while hanging out with them, I couldn't help but feel happy and lonely at the same time. Being around them is always a hilarious time, but being in their presence also reminds me that they have each other, they have someone, and I have no one. I hate to go on this depressing rampage, but I have to do it. Here goes: being alone, especially around the holidays, is kind of an inconvenience. So I'm happy to have Bella right now (lame I know, I'm like a 20 year old cat lady) and I'm looking forward to work tomorrow, and hopefully the new year will bring new beginnings.

1 comment:

  1. "a 20 year old cat lady"... too funny! you need at least 15 cats to qualify for that title. ;)
