Monday, December 21, 2009


Okay, the real reason for today's update is solely just to write about how Peter brightened my day. Peter is the name of the guy that called for a delivery and it was the most entertaining delivery call I have ever taken. I wish I could recall all of it so that any readers of this could fully understand the extent of his friendliness and refreshing humor, but I have the memory of a 90 year old and so I only remember bits and pieces. But when I was taking the call, the first thing he said was, "is this Ellen?" Which made me think it was someone I knew who was calling (even though I say my name when I answer). Then he kept asking questions about me like what age I was and what I like to do and what my favorite items on the menu were. (At this point I honestly thought it was a prank call.) But he told me that he was stalling because his girlfriend had no idea what she wanted to order yet and so he told me what he wanted to order (which was my favorite thing on the menu, he decided to get that) and then he stalled some more by making conversation. (And just to clarify, this guy--judging by his voice and tone of voice--was not a creeper, but simply a goofy guy trying to brighten someone's day. Maybe he could tell I was bored.) Then he proceeded to tell me that he was morbidly obese, which I didn't even know how to respond to so I just said, "are you...being serious?" Which he wasn't, and we both laughed. Luckily I was not busy and didn't have anyone waiting in line or anyone waiting on other lines on the phone, because if there were I wouldn't have been able to listen to this guy's ridiculous antics. Meanwhile I can hear the girlfriend in the background telling him to ask me what my other favorite things on the menu were. But despite her best efforts, his girlfriend never did decide what she wanted and so he said he'd call back to finish the order. And they never did. Maybe it was a prank all along now that I think of it, but either way I don't care because he made me laugh and it's nice to get funny calls once in a while. Because I answer the phone all day and it's always someone boring. So if anyone is reading this, try to say something nice or something funny or interesting to the takeout person next time you call because they would like a lift!
Other than that, some things that happened at work today...I made cookies, I ripped my pants, I saw Natalie! I miss her. Then after work I got pizza with Jen and then we watched tv at my house. Tomorrow I work a double, how exciting! Eeee!

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