Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Today I woke up on the right side of the bed! For some reason, I was in an extra good mood all day long, despite the fact that I was working a double. Really the only thing that irritated me all day was when Ryan shoved some sugar in my face and said, "take that to my table!" That just sent me into a whirlwind rants and raves in my brain. All of the things I wished to say to him just bounced around inside my head, and all I could come up with was, "why? I'm busy." To which he of course got really pissed and ran off and did it himself. Ugh... I don't know how you servers do things at night, but during the day we're nice to each other, and considerate of each other. I do favors for servers, and servers do favors for me, but we always ASK for favors, IF they're not busy. And then we THANK them for helping us out. We don't just shove objects in each other's faces and yell at them to go take it to their table. You don't know how busy I am! I have other things going on right now, I'm already running errands for other servers, plus someone is waiting at the counter for me. I don't have time to do whatever you ask, to wait on you hand and foot! Maybe I am taking this too far, but people can sometimes be so arrogant and that is unacceptable to me. The world does not revolve around you, and neither does this restaurant. And I sure don't!
But what made the whole night so much better was Natalie! Natalie used to work during the day twice a week and she doesn't anymore, and so whenever we rarely get to work together we always have fun. What can I say? We're just 2 goofballs together and we love each other! So it was great to be with her and I even got to meet her family! Hah... it sounds like some sort of makeshift date. But her family did come in tonite and she asked me to meet them all, and they were all sweethearts just like her.
And then there's Gary. Gary always brightens my day, even if he is in his worst of moods, I somehow smile because of him. Today it was because of his ridiculous Steve-from-Blue's-Clue's sweater, which I immediately commented on, which then made me laugh at myself. I laugh at myself a lot when I'm around Gary. He makes me giddy like a little girl! Tehe! No but seriously, Gary does have a very positive effect on me. And I'm sure that it's a mixture of his sense of humor and the fact that he can read me like a book, which is something no one else can do. There's a lot I could say about Gary but that is all I will say for now.

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